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Discover PHP Update Benefits for Your Website’s Performance

Understanding the PHP Update Benefits is crucial for any business owner, eCommerce professional, marketer, entrepreneur or founder who relies on a website powered by WordPress. As one of the most popular server-side scripting languages in web development, keeping your site’s PHP version up-to-date is essential to maintain its performance and security.

To ensure your site’s performance and security, it is important to check the current PHP version against the latest versions available. We’ll also delve into the numerous benefits of updating your site’s PHP Version regularly – including improved user experience through bug fixes, increased functionality enabling more efficient development processes and reduced maintenance costs associated with outdated software.

Furthermore, we will provide actionable steps on preparing your website for a successful update by updating WordPress core files and ensuring plugin/theme compatibility. Lastly, you’ll learn about the impact of regularly updating PHP on your website’s overall performance – an aspect that cannot be ignored when striving for online success.

About PHP

PHP is a widely used scripting language in the field of web development, powering over 75% of all websites. It plays a crucial role in WordPress, which is a content management system built on PHP. The execution of PHP code results in the rendering of your WordPress pages and posts, with PHP code being present in core files, themes, and plugins. Your web server runs a program that interprets and executes this code based on the version of PHP installed on it.

Why Upgrade Your PHP Version

The PHP development team fully supports each PHP version for two years from its initial release. During this time, regular updates are provided to fix any bugs or security issues that may arise. After the two-year full support period ends, an additional year of security support is offered by the PHP Foundation. However, only critical security updates will be provided during this time. Once three years have passed since the initial release of a PHP version, it reaches its end-of-life and will no longer receive any updates or support. The latest version of PHP is 8.1 which was released on November 25th, 2021. If you’re using version 7.4, you should know that its security support will end on November 28th, 2022 which means your website could be vulnerable to unpatched security vulnerabilities if you continue using it beyond that date. It’s highly risky to run your website on an unsupported version of PHP so make sure to keep up with the latest versions and update accordingly.

Reasons to upgrade PHP versions include:

  • Better Site Speed. Using outdated versions of PHP can cause a decrease in the speed of your website. Upgrading to newer versions of PHP can improve the performance and make your site run faster.
  • Optimized Security. Using an outdated version of PHP is a significant security risk for your website. It’s akin to leaving your house unlocked while you’re away and praying that no one breaks in and steals your belongings.
  • New Features. Your plugin and theme developers will likely want to utilize the updated features that come with new versions of PHP. These features enhance their development work’s functionality, such as those introduced in PHP version 8.0.
  • Better Support. Regular bug fixes and patches are provided for PHP versions, which is essential for maintaining the security and functionality of your website. Additionally, web hosts may mandate upgrading to a newer PHP version in order to receive their support services.

How to Upgrade PHP Versions

To determine the current version of PHP that you have installed, follow these steps. Once you have identified your current version, upgrading to the latest version can be done by following a few simple steps.

Check Your Current Version

Customers using Pressable can conveniently verify the PHP versions utilized in all their websites by accessing the MyPressable Control Panel. Another way to check the PHP version is through the WordPress admin page, where you can navigate to “Site Health” under “Tools.”

Ensure Your Host Supports Upgraded PHP

To determine the PHP version supported by your server, you should contact your hosting provider as they have control over it. However, if you are a Pressable customer, rest assured that we provide the most up-to-date PHP version that is compatible with WordPress.

Create a Site Backup

It is recommended to create a backup of your website before switching PHP versions. Upgrading PHP and updating plugins and themes can be a major change, so it’s always better to have a previous version as a safety net in case any issues arise.

Update Your WordPress

Update your WordPress software to the latest version before switching to your PHP version. If you’re on a managed hosting plan, odds are your site is already running the most recent version of WordPress.

Switch Your PHP Version

To update the PHP version, follow your hosting provider’s instructions and log in to your account. If you are a Pressable customer, refer to the guidelines for changing the PHP version within WordPress. It is advisable to first upgrade your PHP version in a staging environment, if possible. This will help you ensure that everything is working correctly before implementing the changes on your live website.

Check For Errors

After upgrading PHP on your website, it is important to check if any issues have arisen. The most common causes of problems after a PHP upgrade are theme files and plugins. To determine the source of the issue, try changing your theme to a default one and deactivating all plugins. If the problem persists, activate each plugin one by one until you identify which one is causing trouble. It’s also possible that custom code could be causing bugs. Therefore, it’s crucial to verify that any customizations made are compatible with the latest version of PHP.

Update Plugins and Themes

Verify if there are any available updates for your themes or plugins and proceed to install them. After that, examine your website once more to ensure that there are no further issues.

Finalize Your Update

Again, you’ll ideally be doing this work on a staging server. Once things look good, you can either push your staging changes to your live site or simply switch the version on your live site.

Benefits of Updating Your Site’s PHP Version Regularly

Keeping your website’s PHP version up-to-date is crucial for maintaining optimal performance, security, and functionality. 

Improved User Experience Through Bug Fixes

The latest PHP versions often include bug fixes that address issues affecting user experience. These improvements can lead to better site navigation, faster load times, and smoother interactions between users and your website. By improving user experience, visitors tend to stay longer on the site and engage with its content, thus potentially increasing search engine rankings. This increased engagement can positively impact search engine rankings as well since user experience is an important ranking factor.

Increased Functionality Enabling More Efficient Development Processes

  • New features: Updated PHP versions introduce new features that make it easier for developers to create innovative solutions tailored to specific business needs.
  • Better performance: Newer versions of PHP typically offer improved performance compared to older ones due in part to their optimized codebase, which allows them to run more efficiently overall when executing tasks related to both front-end and back-end operations alike.
  • Easier integration: With updated PHP versions comes better compatibility with other technologies such as APIs or third-party services; this makes integrating these tools into existing projects simpler than ever before without requiring extensive rewrites of existing codebases.

Reduced Maintenance Costs Associated With Outdated Software

Maintaining outdated software can be costly in terms of time spent troubleshooting issues arising from compatibility problems or vulnerabilities within the code itself. By keeping up-to-date with the latest PHP releases, you can minimize these risks and reduce overall maintenance costs. Furthermore, as older PHP versions reach their end of life, they will no longer receive official support or security updates. This makes it even more crucial to stay current with the latest version available. By regularly updating your site’s PHP version, you’ll enjoy a multitude of benefits that contribute to a better user experience, increased functionality for developers, and reduced maintenance costs associated with outdated software. Don’t hesitate to make the necessary updates and ensure your website is running at its full potential.

Preparing Your Website for a Successful PHP Update

Before updating your PHP version, ensure that all WordPress components are on their most recent versions to avoid any issues with the update process. Additionally, consult with your web design agency or hosting provider about compatibility issues to avoid potential problems during the update process.

Updating WordPress Core

To maintain a secure and efficient website, always keep your WordPress core updated. This ensures that you’re benefiting from the latest features and security patches. You can either update manually through the admin dashboard or set up automatic updates for added convenience.

Ensuring Plugin and Theme Compatibility

  • Check plugin documentation: Before updating PHP, review each plugin’s documentation to verify its compatibility with newer PHP versions. If a plugin is not suitable, look into other possibilities or contact the creator for help.
  • Update themes: Just like plugins, make sure your active theme supports the latest PHP version by checking its official page on the WordPress theme directory.
  • Create backups: It’s crucial to create regular backups of your site before making any significant changes such as updating PHP. Use a reliable backup tool like UpdraftPlus, which allows you to easily restore previous versions if needed.

The Impact of Regularly Updating PHP on Your Website’s Performance

By routinely upgrading PHP on your site, you can gain a plethora of advantages that will upgrade the user experience, usefulness, and productivity of your website. In this section, we’ll explore the advantages of keeping your website’s PHP version current.

Faster Load Times

Maintaining the most recent version of PHP can significantly increase page loading speed, which in turn leads to improved user experience and better search engine rankings. This improvement in speed not only enhances user experience but also contributes to better search engine rankings since page loading time is a crucial factor considered by search engines like Google. As a result, staying current with PHP updates can help boost both traffic and conversions on your site.

Better Overall Performance Across Devices and Platforms

With each new release, PHP developers work tirelessly to optimize code execution and resource management within the language itself. These optimizations lead to improved performance across various devices (desktops, laptops, smartphones) and platforms (Windows, macOS), ensuring that users have a seamless browsing experience regardless of their preferred device or operating system.

Increase Security Measures

  • Patching Vulnerabilities: Each update often includes patches for known vulnerabilities in previous versions. By keeping up with these releases, you’re actively protecting sensitive information from being accessed unlawfully due to outdated software vulnerabilities.
  • New Security Features: Newer versions may introduce additional security features designed specifically around protecting sensitive data from potential threats such as cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks or SQL injection attempts – both of which can have severe consequences if left unaddressed.

Compatibility with the Latest Web Technologies

Regularly updating PHP ensures that your website remains compatible with the latest web technologies, such as HTML5 and CSS3. This compatibility allows you to take advantage of new features and functionality offered by these cutting-edge tools, ultimately enhancing your site’s design and user experience. Additionally, staying current with PHP updates makes it easier for developers to integrate third-party APIs or libraries into your website without encountering compatibility issues.

In conclusion, regularly updating PHP on your website is a crucial aspect of maintaining optimal performance, security, and overall user experience. By doing so, you’ll enjoy faster load times across various devices/platforms while also benefiting from increased security measures designed specifically around protecting sensitive information from potential threats – all while ensuring compatibility with the latest web technologies available today.

FAQs about Php Update Benefits

Updating PHP offers improved performance, security enhancements, and access to new features. It also ensures compatibility with the latest WordPress core updates, plugins, and themes. Regularly updating PHP can lead to a better user experience and reduced maintenance costs.

The latest PHP version provides optimal performance, enhanced security measures, and support for modern coding practices. Using an outdated version may expose your website to vulnerabilities or cause compatibility issues with newer plugins or themes.

Upgrading to PHP 8 brings significant performance improvements through Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, updated syntax for cleaner code writing, named arguments for increased readability in function calls, and various other language enhancements that streamline development processes.

Updating PHP refers to upgrading your website’s server-side scripting language from an older version to a more recent one. This process involves making necessary changes in your codebase while ensuring compatibility with existing functionality such as WordPress core files, plugins, and themes.


Updating your site’s PHP version regularly can have a significant impact on its performance and security. By checking your current PHP version, comparing it with the latest versions available, and ensuring compatibility with WordPress core, plugins, and themes, you can experience improved user experience through bug fixes and increased functionality that enables more efficient development processes while reducing maintenance costs associated with outdated software.

At Amadeus Consulting, we specialize in web development services that enhance security and improve website performance. Reach out to us now for more information on how our specialists can help you reap the rewards of frequent PHP updates!

Contact us at Amadeus Consulting today to learn more about how updating your site’s PHP version regularly can benefit your business!

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